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The entire content in this blog is not fully written/authored by me. Most of them are referred from another source which may be in from anyone of the place like Facebook post, other Blog(s), Wiki, Whats-app/email forwards, you tube etc. I have tried my best to mention the respected source links (FB, Blog, wiki, you tube links etc) and also a courtesy tag too. Some of the very old posts may be missing them as they were all published when i started blogging and frankly speaking I wasn't fully aware of the credit methods, copyrights etc. Also my opinion on lot of this published posts eg (god, religion, political views) would have drastically changed now as I believe I have evolved at-least a little over the period of time with my experience and learning.

When I get time I will try to fully review the content. I'm trying this since 2 years (2015) and couldn't even succeed till now. Hope I will in the days to come.

About Me

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My heart will never be free, To push aside the longings I still feel, My eyes will never forget, The fields of patchwork green Soft rain so real, In my dreams I keep searching For those paths I never find........... There're many suspenses,sorrows,surprises stored for the next minute in this world. Meeting you is also one such surprise i hope. I'm embarking on a journey with a hope on this surprise springing world. I believe that there are many pleasant surprises in store for your future.......!! ALSO I VERY MUCH LIKE, LOVE THESE LINES OF ROBERT FROST...WONDERFULL LINES....... "The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.., But I have promises to keep.., And miles to go before I sleep.., And miles to go before I sleep... !!"



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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Life is about correcting mistakes.

Courtesy & Thanks : Dhinathayalan Gb (who shared this..)

Piya married Hitesh this day. At the end of the wedding party,
Piya 's mother gave her a newly opened bank saving passbook.
With Rs.1000 deposit amount.

Mother: Piya , take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your marriage life.
When there's something happy and memorable happened in your new life, put some money in.
Write down what it's about next to the line.

The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in.
I've done the first one for you today.
Do the others with Hitesh.
When you look back after years, you can know how much happiness you've had.'

Piya shared this with Hitesh when getting home.

They both thought it was a great idea and were anxious to know when the second deposit can be made.
This was what they did after certain time:

- 7 Feb: Rs.100, first birthday celebration for Hitesh after marriage
- 1 Mar: Rs.300, salary raise for Piya
- 20 Mar: Rs.200, vacation trip to Bali
- 15 Apr: Rs.2000, Piya got pregnant
- 1 Jun: Rs.1000, Hitesh got promoted

.... and so on...

However, after years, they started fighting and arguing for trivial things.

They didn't talk much.
They regretted that they had married the most nasty people in the world.... no more love...

Kind of typical nowadays, huh?

One day Piya talked to her Mother:
'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We agree to divorce.

I can't imagine how I decided to marry this guy!!!'
Mother: 'Sure, girl, that's no big deal.

Just do whatever you want if you really can't stand it.
But before that, do one thing first.

Remember the saving passbook I gave you on your wedding day?
Take out all money and spend it first.

You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor marriage.'
Piya thought it was true.

So she went to the bank, waiting at the queue and planning to cancel the account.
While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record.

She looked, and looked, and looked.
Then the memory of all the previous joy and happiness just came up her mind.
Her eyes were then filled with tears.
She left and went home.

When she was home, she handed the passbook to Hitesh, asked him to spend the money before getting divorce.
The next day, Hitesh gave the passbook back to Piya .

She found a new deposit of Rs.5000. And a line next to the record:
'This is the day I notice how much I've loved you thru out all these years.
How much happiness you've brought me.'
They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back to the safe.

Do you know how much money they had saved when they retired?
I did not ask.
I believe the money did not matter any more after they had gone thru all the good years in their life.

"When you fall, in any way,
Don't see the place where you fell,
Instead see the place from where you slipped.
Bcz afteral, Life is about correcting mistakes."

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