Disclaimer :

The entire content in this blog is not fully written/authored by me. Most of them are referred from another source which may be in from anyone of the place like Facebook post, other Blog(s), Wiki, Whats-app/email forwards, you tube etc. I have tried my best to mention the respected source links (FB, Blog, wiki, you tube links etc) and also a courtesy tag too. Some of the very old posts may be missing them as they were all published when i started blogging and frankly speaking I wasn't fully aware of the credit methods, copyrights etc. Also my opinion on lot of this published posts eg (god, religion, political views) would have drastically changed now as I believe I have evolved at-least a little over the period of time with my experience and learning.

When I get time I will try to fully review the content. I'm trying this since 2 years (2015) and couldn't even succeed till now. Hope I will in the days to come.

About Me

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My heart will never be free, To push aside the longings I still feel, My eyes will never forget, The fields of patchwork green Soft rain so real, In my dreams I keep searching For those paths I never find........... There're many suspenses,sorrows,surprises stored for the next minute in this world. Meeting you is also one such surprise i hope. I'm embarking on a journey with a hope on this surprise springing world. I believe that there are many pleasant surprises in store for your future.......!! ALSO I VERY MUCH LIKE, LOVE THESE LINES OF ROBERT FROST...WONDERFULL LINES....... "The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.., But I have promises to keep.., And miles to go before I sleep.., And miles to go before I sleep... !!"



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Monday, October 26, 2009

Thought - 26 Oct'09

Today's Thought.
Just as the highest tower needs a deep foundation, so too our higher thinking is based on going deep within.

Enlightenment Thought.
The soul - that is the true self - is not originally sinful, it is originally good. To be on the spiritual path means we will experience this goodness. When this precious energy is experienced, there is a leap of consciousness. In history this leap has been known as illumination. Illumination is the leap to new insight that gives confidence and hope. Then there is more reality in life and, consequently, more happiness. We are renewed.

Self improvement Thought.
Divine Help:
Many times people report the feeling of divine help and strength when they come close to breaking point. Actually divine help is always there, but I am usually so busy doing things in my own little way that I only look for it when I face absolute defeat. The tranquil nature of enlightened souls comes from their ability to take God's help constantly. A state of true surrender will lead to the feeling of victory in everything I do.

Value people whose nature is the opposite of mine.
Reverse the tendency to belittle or criticize those whose nature is the opposite of yours. To overcome your frustration with them, acknowledge how they complement your shortcomings, if your talent is to see the big picture, who pays attention to the small details? Dynamism is balanced by gentleness, frankness by subtlety.

Diversity is nature’s survival mechanism. Imagine if the whole world was exactly like you. The contrasts and differences between us give rise to creation and invention. Embrace the differences in others and increase your capacity for love and acceptance.

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